I visited Brighton for the first time this summer with my parents and it was interesting seeing a place in the UK that was completely different from anywhere else i've visited. This was the perfect location for a family day trip and it was nice seeing many families getting together by the pier and eating ice cream during a hot summer's day. It was also nice that there was a marathon happening the day I visited and seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd cheering the runners along.

This fun fair reflects the vibrancy and sense of community of the city. Everywhere is bustling with people and noise and the cheers of the crowd rooting on family members and even strangers made my first experience to Brighton such a wonderful one.

Seeing many families gather together and spend proper time together after the stress of the pandemic put many smiles on my face. I came to Brighton with my family as well and it was nice being able to forget my worries for a second and just be in the moment.

I took around 20-30 photos of seagulls at Brighton because they were everywhere! Amongst the photos I took, I chose these two because it really captured the proudness of these birds and with the bright blue sky and colours of the van, it reflects the essence of Brighton.

One thing that I found interesting about my trip to Brighton was that even though the city was surrounded by a lot of water, there were barely any boats or fisherman in the sea. Two people in a boat as centred in this photo shows the tranquility of the shore but this is also juxtaposed with the ratio between the people and the sea which in turn makes it seem like the sea is engulfing the boat.