Big Book Project: Cautionary Tales for Children
The big book project was a group project that required us to design our own interpretation of Hilaire Belloc's book 'Cautionary Tales for Children'. The purpose of our project was to design a coffee-table book for adults that are passionate about art and design. Our book adopts an eccentric and radical punk inspired aesthetic style to reflect the grim reality of each poem's morals. I was in charge of the type and layout for this project and these are a few of the spreads that I did (apart from the front cover and content pages) and liked out of the 52 page book :)
I'd like to also thank my group members- Kashish, Louis, Yuhana and Callum- for working with me on this project for 4 weeks. I'm really happy with the way we turned out as a group and i'm really excited for what we can continue to create in the future!