I consider Bangkok as my second home because I visit there every December, celebrating the new years with my parents. This series was taken in 2019, just before the pandemic hit and it reminds me so much of happier times when travelling. I mainly took notice of the different buildings and how it was composed well with the transportation system in Thailand which reflected the bustling and compacted-ness of the city.

I like the diagonal compositions of the buildings and motorways, it really highlights the everyday life of the Thai people. It's almost as if I can hear the sounds of the motorbikes and the smell of gasoline filling the streets again.

Bangkok has a good balance between old buildings and new buildings. But at night, electricity floods the city and the views are incredible. It's almost like looking at a sky full of stars. I took these pictures from a rooftop the same day I took the picture on the right above the picture of my dad looking out a tram window. It's interesting to see as well the intertwining of the roads and the complexity of it.

Photo that I took at night from a tower I visited in Bangkok which overlooks the city